Friday, 25 May 2018

SEO Manager and TL Posts Interview Questions and Answers

Q. What is Google Caffeine?
Ans. In the month of August 2009, Google announced the rollout of new search architecture, codenamed “Caffeine”. Google’s Caffeine doesn’t affect your search engine ranking as said its new search architecture of Google which is launched to make crawling and indexing systems worked better for its users. If you want to read more about the Google Caffeine can read Vanessa Fox article here.

Q. What is Goals in Google Analytics?
Ans. Goals are a versatile way to measure how well your site or app fulfills your target objectives. You can set up individual Goals to track discrete actions, like transactions with a minimum purchase amount or the amount of time spent on a screen.

Q. Can you create Goals?
Ans. If you can create say Yes, if not then please do practical and create Goals in analytics to know how to create Goals in analytics click.

Q. What is Data Highlighter?
Ans. Data Highlighter is a webmaster tool via using it we can let Google know about the pattern of structured data of our website. You can use it simply via login to your Google Webmaster account in Search Appearance Section >> Data Highlighter.

Q. What is ASO? Or have you ever heard about ASO?
Ans. ASO mainly stands for App Store Optimization which is a process of improving the visibility of mobile app on app stores like iTunes and Google Play.

Q. What is Session in Google Analytics?
Ans. A session is a group of interactions that take place on your website within a given time frame. For example a single session can contain multiple screen or page views, events, social interactions, and ecommerce transactions. To read in details about session visit

Q. What is Google Authorship and can it help in SEO in any term?
Q. What do you understand by Google Authorship and how can you use it for Seo benefits?
Ans.  Google Authorship allows you to link your Google Plus Profile to the content you create. This is a way to enhance the overall user experience and stop spamming. Results containing content from original and reputed authors are valued highly by Google and chances of spamming are also reduced. Hence, implementing Google Authorship is really useful for Seo as it helps a webpage to rank higher based on the author rank.

Q. What do you understand by Google Dance?
Ans. Google Dance happens when major updates happen on the database maintained by Google. Constant shuffling leads to unstable rankings of the Web Pages.This continues for some days and is known as Google dance. It was witnessed in the past before the real time searching happened. Now, Google updates its index almost every day and changes are witnessed narrowly.

Q. What is a Pizza Box in terms of Google?
Ans. Google server comes in a standard case which is commonly known as “Pizza Box”.

Q.  If a website has a search engine saturation of 40% , what does that mean?
Ans. It means 40% of web pages from that particular website are indexed by the search engine.

Q. What do you know about the Florida update?
Ans. Florida update happened on November 16th 2003. This update applied stemming, maintained local rank, penalized over optimized sites by applying filter etc. In short, it modified the search results before presenting it to the user by applying filters.

Q. Can you tell me about Frames in HTML?
Ans: Frames in HTML are obvious as they used to discriminate the page content into distinct fragments. Search engines treat these frames as absolutely different pages as well as frames also put an negative impact over SEO. Therefore, we should avoid the practice of using Frames and implement basic HTML instead.

Q. How can I check that my Website is indexed by major search engines?
Ans. One way is to use “site:domain-name” to search for your site. This works with Google, Yahoo and Microsoft Live.

Q. Can you submit my site to top search engines?
Ans. We have IBP program, and using this we can submit to hundreds of search engines in faction of hours. But please note if the Website is crawled by Google, Yahoo and MSN, it will  indirectly appear in the search results of other search engines. So the purpose of submitting the websites in tier two or three search engines is to get crawls from multiple sources.

Q. How to change the crawler frequency for my Website?
Ans. By putting the <changefreq>your change time</changefreq> in xml sitemap. Also you can select the priority level in the Goolge webmaster tool account. But the fact is fixing the crawl rates won’t make your website crawled frequently. You need to offer the spider proper food to be indexed frequently.

Q. What is Google personalized search? Does that affect the SEO process?
Ans. Google is trying to return the searches based on the past search behaviour, your average time consumed on the websites, your preference of search etc. So basically if this is done, your searching becomes interesting and effective. It’s a fact that if personalized search is implementer that will directly affect the SEO process. Please note in the era of personalized search, the results people are getting might vary extensively and that will make the tracking of SEO success little difficult and challenging.

Q. How to know that my Web Site is banned by Search Engines?
Ans. Following are the situations:

If your domain is not coming in the domain name search.
After a long time your domain is not coming on search engines
Your server logs register no visit from search engines/engine.
You lost your keyword positions and visits dramatically in fraction of days.
Q. What’s local search engine optimization?
Ans. It refers to optimisation of the website belonging/referring to a particular geographical area. If your business targets to a particular area like state/county/city, the local search engine optimization has a major role to play. Basically in the Local search engine optimization we create the listings with Local search engines, yellow pages, try to exchange the traffic with the local sites etc.

Q. How to recover from a ban?
Ans. In order to lift a ban you must know the reason of ban. After the reason is identified do the following things:

Rectify the reason which caused the ban.
Make the content change over the Website.
If possible make changes in the look and feel.
Build up links from highly authoritative sites.
Q. Can search engine index the Flash Websites?
Ans. Yes, now Google can follow flash. So after Adobe made some in roads search engines can now read the links and applications. But please note there is a dynamic application file that covert the Flash readable to search engines. So here the search engines are reading the Flash site indirectly.

Q. Can search engine index the dynamic URLs?
Ans. The Search Engine programs are not designed to read the dynamic content. However they are constantly increasing the program and now they can read few categories dynamic URLs not all.

Q. What is the meaning of competitive analysis?
Ans. Competitive analysis, as its name suggested it is establishment of a comparison of data between the website I am optimizing and that website who rank highly in search results. It will be a great source of idea.

Q. What’s the difference between the singular and plural keyword phrases? What should we target in SEO?
Ans. When targeting keywords phrase it is advisable to consider the plural phrases as it contains both plural and singular as for example businesses contain the word business. A search engine which considers the plural keyword to be different from the singular keyword now may not do so in the future, and vice-versa. In any case, you are always better off optimizing your site for both the plural and singular versions of your keywords, assuming that both versions are popular.

Q. What’s monthly search volume of a keyword and how it’s calculated?
Ans. Monthly Search volume is the number of times that the users searches a particular keyword during a month. It is calculated as follows Global monthly search volume/no. of days. This figure is given Google Adwords External tool.

Q. What is the difference between the broad match and narrow match?
Ans. Broad match helps you attract more traffic to your website. It’s user friendly but narrow match is mostly helpful for SEO optimizers.

Q. In order to select, what should be the minimum monthly search volume of a keyword?
Ans. Ideally the minimum monthly search volume should be 500 or more. But it might vary in accordance to geographical or long tail keywords.

Q. Should I target one word keyword like SEO? What’s the logic?
Ans. Visitors rarely type in one word and hope for the best. Most searches are refined using a number of words, identifying the actual content required more precisely.

People rarely search on one word alone.  The public are much more used to using search engines now, and the days when they entered one generic keyword term and hoped for the best have gone. This is type of search might be informative in nature to gather knowledge and not conversion oriented. But for branding purpose and getting maximum visits you must target these keywords, with a long run plan.

Q. What’s a trail end keyword and how that helps in SEO?
Ans. These are the keywords or phrases  which are having less search volume but higher conversion rate. Yes they helps in SEO. In short run and long run we must have a optimized blend of short trail and long trail keywords to get the best returns.

Q. What’s the keyword density and how that is calculated?
Ans. Keyword density is the percentage of times a keyword or phrase appears on a web page compared to the total number of words on the page. It is calculated in the following way.

(Targeted keyword/Total no. of words)*100. Also we must consider that the keyword density includes the page content as well as the page code while doing the percentage calculation.

Q.Should the keyword density calculated in parts of words or in total?
Ans. There can’t be a direct answer to this question. The SEO professional must be extremely instrumental while calculating the keyword density. Though it’s suggested to have the keyword in full, we must not ignore the part keywords and other semantic keywords while this calculation is on.

Q. Can I jumble the positions of words inside the keyword phrases? Does it make the word a new keyword?
Ans. No you should not jumble the keyword. This makes a new keyword, which can’t have the searches we are expecting. So this practice should be avoided at any cost.

Q. Should the keyword density check cover the code area?
Ans. While you are calculating the number of times repeation the code area should be taken into consideration.

Q. What’s keyword stemming?
Ans. Keyword Stemming is a useful tool for web pages and search engines. The process of keyword stemming involves taking a basic but popular keyword pertaining to a particular website and adding a prefix, suffix, or pluralization to make the keyword into a new word. This particular process allows a website to expand upon the number of variable options, which can help a website get more traffic. Words that are a product of keyword stemming can expand in either direction, or even add words to the phrase, making the possibilities limitless.

Q. Keyword relevancy, keyword proximity, keyword density etc. What do you mean by them?
Ans. Keyword Density: It is combination of the number of times a keyword or keyword phrases,in proportion with other words, appears on a web page.
Keyword Proximity: It refers to the distance in space as measured in within the keywords as well as the phrases including the keywords without repetition and with contextual relevance. It measures the closeness between two keywords.
Keyword Relevancy: Keyword Relevancy encompasses a large area of potential confusion. Simply put, your “keywords” must be relevant to the contents, or “theme” of your web page. Keyword relevancy and analysis in choosing keywords that is matching the content of the web page is important to your success with the search engine. When selecting the keywords you have to be more specific as there is better chance of getting targeted traffic.


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